Free E-Book "The NEW Roadmap to Parenting Today

Transform your child's challenging behaviors for the better. 

Every parent starts their parenting journey with a dream. We are here to make sure you enjoy yours again.

Inner Wisdom Parenting

Parenting is hard. Perfection is impossible. 
And... parenting can be less stressful and more fun.

As parents, we are sometimes confronted with really tough behavior from our kids that leaves us exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed, perplexed and frustrated.

Challenging behaviors

These can look different for every child, but may include (but, of course, not limited to):

  • Acting out
  • Excessive irritability, and BIG reactions to small things, going from zero to sixty instantly
  • Heightened impulsivity
  • Erratic mood swings and/or problems with mood
  • Defiance and pushback
  • ODD, ADHD diagnoses or tendencies
  • Aggressive behaviors, like hitting, biting, pushing
  • Sass, talking back, not listening, stonewalling
  • Tantrums
  • Crying episodes, meltdowns and hysterics
  • Checked out, numb, withdrawn, unreachable

And as a result of trying to manage this tough behavior, you might feel like you're walking on eggshells.  And your relationship with your partner/spouse/co-parent may be suffering. You might feel anxiety when the phone rings, in case it is another call from school or daycare. You probably feel depleted, stressed and drained, experiencing parental burnout. 

I relate so deeply to all of this because I have been there.


Challenging Behavior Is the Tip of the Iceberg

Nearly 90% of the iceberg lays beneath the waterline, out of sight.  And beneath challenging behavior lies the true drivers of behavior, also out of sight, "below the waterline".  

Let's get curious.

What if... behavior was a symptom highlighting a challenge your child is struggling with?

What if... behavior was communication? (Not conscious, thoughtful or even effective communication - but the best your child can do at this time.)

What if... behavior was an adaptive response to something that your child was experiencing?

What if... we get curious about what's beneath the behaviors?

Then....everything changes. 


When you discover what is beneath a child's challenging behaviors, you view their behavior through a new lens.  

And when you do that, you see your child more fully. 



The Beneath the Behaviors Approach is based on the latest developments in neuroscience, positive psychology and the science of connection. 

Inner Wisdom Parenting, founded by Melissa Holland, M.S., is based in Boulder, CO, and offers online classes and coaching to support parents in responding to their child's challenging behaviors, and helping their child become more calm, connected and cooperative

Get started with this free online masterclass!
Beneath the Behaviors Approach:
An Introduction with Immediate Benefits

A new lens to view behavior

Discover the philosophy of the "Beneath the Behaviors Approach" in this free, 26 minute, online, on-demand masterclass, accessible immediately.

You'll never look at your child's challenging behaviors in the same way again... and when you view their behavior differently, everything changes.

For the better. 

Access this free masterclass!

Support for You

Depending on time, energy and money, you will find the right support for you, to transform your parenting journey into one that is less stress and more joy!

Online, On-Demand Courses

These are video courses that are available as soon as you purchase, and you will have access to them for the lifetime of the program.

You will be able to work through them at your own pace. They include handouts, resources guides and thoughtfully walk you through a new way of viewing your child's behavior, and a powerful new way to respond.

These online, on-demand video courses are easy to consume and provide the foundational background you'll need to reframe behavior. And this is the start of seeing our child differently, which is the impetus for seeing a different child.

This is what is needed to transform those challenging behaviors!

Learn More

One-on-One Coaching & Consulting

Connect one-on-one with Melissa, in online video sessions, to explore what your child - and you - are experiencing. 

You will feel resourced and supported, and I will serve as a thought partner, and along with your expertise in your child, we will develop a plan to move forward. 

Depending on the level of support you are looking for, there are different options, so you can find the one you need!

Learn More

Positive changes to expect from
the Beneath this Behaviors Approach: 

Reduced stress for your child

  • Fewer tantrums
  • Less defiance and talking back
  • Fewer meltdowns


Increased ability for connection

  • More agreeability and ease
  • More calm, joy and peace
  • Better social relationships


Reduced parent  stress

  • More moments of true connection
  • More joy in your relationship
  • Less frustration and anger


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